The Devil is Gonna Hang [Ep. 005]
Spiritual Warfare:
Examine. Strategize. Unite.
In this episode…
S.O.A.R. with us as we examine the topic of spiritual warfare and how we can gain victory against the enemies of our souls who seek to take us down.
Hear amazing insights into spiritual warfare from the perspective of someone who understands it first hand. Denis is a native African missionary with Send 56. Hear how he finds himself presently stuck in Ethiopia during Covid-19, but working for the Lord.
Learn from someone who has fought through a dark battle of the soul and came out on the other side to a place of victory.
SOAR with us as we learn to keep our shield of faith growing and our gospel cleats fixed to our feet, united in Jesus Christ and marching forward in this victorious episode. Be sure to listen to the end. This episode is rich with insights into the keys to victory in the spiritual battle we all face as believers advancing in the faith.
Visit Send 56 to learn more about Denis and his work in Africa. Their website is:
Pictured Below:
A young girl from Ethiopia who Denis and his wife Carolina are mentoring.

We were encouraged by a song from Jess Ray in this episode called “Gallows.”
Visit for more of her beautiful authentic worship music.
[Watch Here on YouTube]
Someone’s on the prowl, trying to take us down But we ain’t giving up now
A liar and a thief, coming after you and me But we ain’t giving up now
The harder the wind will blow, the deeper our roots will go, And the devil’s gonna hang, oh the devil is gonna hang, The devil is gonna hang from his own gallows
Though the waters try to down, and the flames they surround oh We ain’t giving up now
Even though we may tread through the valley of death oh We ain’t giving up now
The harder the wind will blow, the deeper our roots will go, And the devil’s gonna hang, oh the devil is gonna hang, The devil is gonna hang from his own gallows
If you’re stumbling in the dark, run your hands against the walls Find every window, every door, throw them open, throw them open In will flood a blinding light, and it will chase away the night Even if you shield your eyes, let it pour in, let it pour in
Please keep in touch with us at Spirit of Adoption Radio and make sure to subscribe on the listening platform of your choice. Tune in with us for this episode and other exciting episodes each Thursday right here on S.O.A.R. [Spirit of Adoption Radio].
May the Lord bless you as you listen. Be Encouraged. Thank you so much for joining us.
In another Upcoming Episode:
Israel and COVID-19: Update from our friends from Jerusalem!
We are excited for these and more special interviews in our future episodes!
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